Thursday 16 May 2013

Tomorrow we are having a coffee and cake sale after assembly

Who? Year 5 and 6
What? A coffee morning and cake sale
Where? Year 5 classroom
Why? To raise money for christian aid week!!!!

                                                          By vanessa and evie and beth


Thursday 13 December 2012


We have been making  a twitter feed by writing a story about the christmas story on twitter. By Joseph                                                                                                                                  

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Elf Owls

Elf Owls live in South Western America but migrate to Mexico in the winter.They nest in cactus` that have holes pecked into them by wood peckers.They eat small insects like scorpians, grass hoppers,and occasionally a small mouse,or snake.They are the lightest owl in the word weighing about 40g this is about as much as a small apple.

                              By Evie and Mary

Wednesday 26 September 2012

International week.

The Brazillian visitors from our link school came and we learned about George Sourat,Canada,and Belgium.
George Seurat

Belgium flag
Canada flag

Wednesday 19 September 2012


In class were learning about and writing biographies. We can choose anyone we like to write about and we've already written them in our topic books. We've also been going over the tricks that you need for a biography, they are:
Past tense
Third person
Give facts
Chronalogical order
As,When and If sentances.

By Danielle.
In our class were writing our autobiographies, we gathered infomation on ourself and wrote them up in chronalogical order we had to put in give facts, detail and description. We also had to write in the first person and in the past tence
By Maisie

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Manchester Museum Trip

Today we went to Manchester Museum.  Everyone had lots of fun. : ) The T-rex was amazing!

by joseph p and harry y