Monday 29 November 2010

Understanding english

Today in understanding english we were thinking about questions for an interview for a shepard.
We were put in groups and we had to write questions to ask the sheperd.

by Emma  and  Mia


In art we made a picture which had to be half Manets painting "A Bar at the Folies Bergere" and the other half had to be a modern vergen of the painting. We could either use charcoal, carbon paper, water colours, pastels or collage.

Natalie and Malaika

Maths & ART

In year 6 we have been learning about AREA and PERIMETER in maths.

Today in maths we found the perimeter and area of composite shapes. We drew out 3, 30cm perimeter composite shapes and 2, 24cm2 composite shapes.
We also in art have been using the 'A bar at the Folies Bergere' by Manet. We chopped it in half and used different methods to create the other half in a modern way. The methods we used are carbon paper, pastels, charcoal, watercolours and collage. By Maya and Poppy!!!

The murder case

Our murder investigation has come to a close a P.Jones was arrested in a Peru airport and held at the local station for further questioning. He later admitted to knowing John and having a interest in managing the team.he has been flown back to the UK for a court trial!!!!!!!!!!!!
by William and Abdullaah

Murderer Found!!

The murderer was 23 years old ! He flew away to Puru thinking he wouldn't be caught ! Peter Jones is the murderer don't worry he's now arrested. The murderer is going to be in custardy while police will be asking further questions.

By Tunisha & Zayyan

Tuesday 23 November 2010


Last week and this week we made a collage. It was a copy of manets art work The Bar at the Folies Bergere.We used old magazines and newspapers.This week we are going to make our own collage its going to be so fun we are so looking forward to it.

     By Tunisha and Shinead 


This week we have been  looking at the bar folies bergere.We  have been doing art with juuk and other materials. And we are trying to find out where she standing as well  using all sorts of art to make collage.
Zeshan and Umer

Children in need

On Friday we had a non uniform day for children in need.We brung £1.oo or more and we got to make aposter or power point or anything to do with children in need.                                         
By,Rahul and Omar

Understanding English

In understanding english we have to write a dilemma story about the woman at the bar in the painting "A Bar at the Folies Bergere" by Manet.

by Natalie

Maths + science

In maths we have been learning  percentages and decimals.

In science we have been learning about how we see things e.g. how are eyes work.

by Emma and Leah

Tuesday 16 November 2010

mistory murder/news paper report

we found some evidence...
In the last week we have been planing a news paper report for the murder at our school     by poppy and amy.


This Week Year 6 Has Been Learning About Reflection. We Have Been Experimenting With Torches To See How Far Light Travels. By Billy and Laas

Thursday 11 November 2010


This is our first blog about year 6. This week we have been investigating a crime scene.
John the coach was murderd on 3rd November. He aparently got beated with a rolling pin
several times. We have many suspects .One of them got arrested one of Johns close friends/football coach was arrested of being guitly of killing John.

Vincent And Billy


John the football coach has been murdered.And we are finding out who did it. And we do have suspects with evidance.

By Rahul and Josh


Murder at st johns. In year 5 and 6 are trying to solve the murder. We have had lots evidence like a rolling pin with blood on, an envelope with finger prinets on there was a fire exit open so we think thats were the suspect escaped. BY MAYA AND SHINEAD            

Tuesday 9 November 2010


Our new science project is light and how we see things.
We will be learning about  light sources and different types of mirrors etc.

By Natalie and Malaika  


This is the crime scene
  The Evidence
 On the 3rd of November 2010 there was a murder at st johns school.

 We had to act out the crime scene investigation team. We found evidence and are starting investigating suspects.

By William & Zayyan

Monday 1 November 2010

The Big Journey - photographs

Playing Victorian Games

Making Victoria Sponge Cake!
Role Play as Lord Shaftesbury

Research on the Victorians