Monday 6 December 2010

 This week we have done news paper , tabloid and broad sheet. tabloid is a news paper tells lies.broad sheet they tell the truth. Mrs Rice and Miss Kingsley did role play using their phones. by Zeshan

shepherd bob

We have been doing a text to shepherd Bob and we wrote on the paper Ipone and we stuck it in our book. In the hall we were in groups of 6 and it was just like a relay race. We had to right on the big suger paper about the shepherd bob. We did this to help us to think in role as a shepherd.
by Laas

Whate we have done today

Today Mrs Rice and Mrs Kingsley pretended that they are shepherds and they sent letters to each other and they read the text and they laughed and they asked questions. We made groups of eight and wrote what they would say, think or do.

by Omar.

We have been lerning about news paper report.

We have been learning about news reports and we wrote one about the crime scene and we have written one about John Brownrigg and  about the crime and Ms Rice told us  to make the front page newspaper reports.

by Josh P.