Monday 19 December 2011

our autum term

tommorows toy day :) !!!!
Hi this is Devs n evs n joey we have been making bread with miss Rice (tasty!
by Evan Devon and Joe :)

A journey through Christmas

Last Friday we had a journey through Christmas. We went round each class for 30mins and did part of the Christmas story. After, we got an item from the teacher and we kept it in a bag. We did some activities in each classroom and one of them was dressing up or creating a map or painting your star signs.

journey through the keyhole

On friday we did an investagation on where the shepards had gone with mrs kingsley

a view through the keyhole

last friday we went on a journey through christmas ( a view through the keyhole) we went round all the classes and did lots of different activites, pretending that the classrooms were different characters houses. Mrs.Rice's classroom was Mary's house, Miss.Roper's classroom was the dessert where Mary and Joseph travelled, Mr.\middlebourough was Joseph's house/workshop, Mrs.Daw's classroom was a modern day house, Mrs.Matthew's classroom was the home of Jesus, Mrs.Zaman's classroom was the three wise men's house and Miss.Kingsley's classroom was the shepherds home.

st johns by SAM C and ZAKEE A and ALEX MM

merry christmas! On friday we had a day about the christmas story and doing playscricts mainly all last week. And we were intrested about cultres including muslam hindu christans and more. Last month we did a lot of writing maths scince trails and a lot more hope you read merry christmas and a happy new year.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

This afternoon

This afternoon we have been doing about sound we have done five activities which were making sound through a straw,making music on a laptop,using chime bars,and using pots with water in,and sound scales.The whole class enjoyed it.

By Harry and Grace

Tuesday 18 October 2011

this half term

This half term in year 6 we have been doing about respect and persuasive writing. We do Samba music and Samba dancing on Mondays and we are doing a performance after the holidays!!! This week we are creating Palista Avenue which is in Sao Paulo in Brazil. By Joseph and Zakee

Thursday 31 March 2011

creative partnership weeks in key stage 2.

this week we have been in our groups finishing off our projects and adverts to make a magazine.when we finished our projects we got someone to model then we could put it in our magazine.

The final week for the exabition we made rocky roads,cakes,drinks and a banner for the friends and parents to have at the exabition.I loved  it when we got to lick the iceing off our hands it tasted amazing.

Evrybody is starting to make their exabitions for their products and models for the parents and friends we cant wait.

from leah.b and chloe.h

Tuesday 15 March 2011


On Tuesday 15th of March 2011 year 6 participated in all kinds sports in the St.Johns playground and the field. And we played  the barrel run with a barrel and the first person in the line gets in the barrel .today we had fun.

Abdul, Omar and Umer

residential theme day

This week people who did not go on residential  had a theme day. It was fun! we did loads of activities there was a water one
people enjoyed that one the most my favourite one was the water one i had so much fun.            from shinead

St Johns residential at school

This morning at school the coaches came in to set up St Johns PGL (residential) activity.
The activites were getting a tenpin out of a circle only using two pices of rope (and our brains!), getting over the play ground with a team of six and seven mats(you were not allowed to touch the floor), the tug of war, a marathon and a barrel run. We were all worn out by the end of the morning.

By willl Zayyan Vincent and Abdullaah
Today we did  all kinds of teamwork events including... tug of war,barrel run and a marthon.
we had to run for a really long time and we were still worn out now!
by Miles joe zeshan

Thursday 10 March 2011

3D shapes

In maths we have a project on 3D shapes which we started on Monday.ONMonday we were split into 6 groups each group was given a dinosaur which they had to recreate in shapes.A 3D shape treasure hunt,there were 8 shapes in all and we had to describe each one by saying how many sides,vertercis and edges it has.

By Abdullaah

Tuesday 8 March 2011

year 6

This week in year 6 we have been learning about dinosaurs.Yesterday we were split into groups and each group were given a toy dinosaur.Our job was to rebuild the dinosaur with different bits and pieces.We also wrote the scientific words for the objects.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Samba Instruments

This week our class have been designing our own samba instrumentsYear 6 have also Been Doing samba Dancing,and Shineads brother Ben and his partner Jodie did a demonstration of samba and it was brilliant and their out fits were extrodinary with lots of different parts it was great.
                         By Tunisha And Billy                                                               


Year 6 and 5 have been doing samba in dance. On Monday 14 th February A.K.A Valantines day Shinead's brother Ben and his partner Jodie came in to show us some real dancing- in proper outfits. Year 5 and 6 realy enjoyed this afternoon.

By Abdullaah

year 5 vs year 6

 year 6 and 5 we have been doing samba dancing . On the 14th of February a students other came in and he is a  samba dancer he came with his partner . He all had to shere what we were doing . The dancer told us the do some samba dancing  . When we did it year 6 did mordern samba dancing but year 5 did samba and a bit of freestyle .

                                By Malaika

Samba Dancing

On 14th February Shinead's brother Ben and his partner Jody came in to school. They are both professional dancers. they were very good and taught us lots of cool moves.Year 5 and Year 6 enjoyed the afternoon.

By the best, William & Zayyan

Monday 31 January 2011


In maths we have been doing coordinates and mean , median, mode and range.

We have been doing samba dancing in the hall, every Monday. The brother of a girl in our class is coming to demonstrate. By Poppy, Rachel and Malaika.

mouldy fruit

We have been looking at mouldy fruit, last Monday we checked our experiment and in our experiment we had a bug crawled into the box.  Over the last three weeks we have been making observations in our books and we will be keeping only one fruit for 7 weeks. 

                                                                                Laas and Rahul

For the past few weeks we have been doing tennis out side and we have been doing mode,mean and median in maths. At first we where warming up then we started practising serving,try hitting balls into hoops,rallys and arfter we did volleys.  

By George  :) and Zeshan  :) 
Finaly our fruit investagation has come to a end so we have got rid of the foul smell of rotting fruit in viniger and smelly water!

Joe, Omar and Umer

Samba And River PowerPoints.

This week year 6 have been doing samba dancing. We h.ave been put in pairs and been doing it step by step of a dvd.We are enjoying the samba dancing

Some of us have been doing Powerpoints on the Amazon river and the river Mersey and included pictures and videos about the rivers.

By Billy and Abdul


In P.E we have been learning Tennis. We have been practicing tennis tricks and have been doing ralleys. Last week we had to hit the ball into a hoop,rally and do overarm serves for our patner to hit it back. 

By Emma and Mia    

Mouldy Fruit

The mouldy fruit investigation, the mango and the pear has disappered. Were keeping four more fruit that is kept in a hatchery is a papaya x2, apple and pear.

By Zayyan,Josh p and Ronnie

things in year 6! x

This week in year 6 we have been doing alot of things but the thing that has brought to our attention because it was realy,really,really fun. We have been doing some samba. my partener is Miles and we have been doing a dance for the last 3 weeks. I think that our dance is brill. infact its amazing!!!!!!!!!!! I would really like to carry on with things like this in the future and my friend shineads big brother ben who is a professional samba dancer.By Leah

Thursday 13 January 2011

This Year's Topic

This half term we have been learning about myths and legends. We have discribed a character for are story,and also we have learnt the differentses between myths and legends.

By Billy and George

mouldy fruits

we have been doing a scientific experiment about mouldy fruit.Are experiment is 'what lasts longer, English fruit or Amazonian fruit?We started are experiment last week and the fruit already stink.

by rachel, poppy, mia

Y6 big zing

We have been singing with mr.hendersonwild we lernt new songs
Black  socks
zum gale gale zum
pirate song

                               Malaika and Isobel

mouldy fruit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have  been learning about bacteria and we have got some fruit to test it on. And see how bacteria grows so were living it out  were ever we choose.We check it.Monday and Thursday,we are also looking at if fruit from the Amazon goes of quicker then fruit from England

josh, miles,rahul
This week we hve been looking at amazon fruit and english fruit and been singing a song called zum gale gale.
by umer and zeshan
We have been doing coordinates and we have been doing fruit investigation and bacteria and we are doing samba,singing,tennis and germ art .

                                                               by Omar and Laas
We all listened to samba music and are going to dance to it in partners. We brain-stormed ideas about how samba will sound and look. In the past we have played samba before so new how it sounded we also tried to remember the musical instruments. By Maya,Natalieand Emma                                                               

weekly activities!

This week in year 6 we have been doing alot of things like..............

coordinates,fruit investigation,learning about bactiria,germ art,samba dancing,myths and legends,rivers and in P.E we have been doing some tennis!!!!!..........

By Leah,Leah and Chloe!

The Amazon project

This week in school we have been learning about the Amazon and have been thinking about the people who live there. Related to this we have been looking at Amazonian myths and legends we
are planning to write our own.

By Abdullaah, Vincent and William

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Micro organisim

We have been looking at micro organisms and we have also doing experiments testing which fruits get mouldy first Amazonian fruits or English fruits. So far the results for ours have been that English fruits go mouldy first. There are over 100 trillion micro organ
ism's in your body.

By Zeshan and Abdullaah

Myths,Legands,coordinates and micro organisims

In Maths we are learnig about coordinates and we went into the hall to make our selfs into the x and y axis , some of us were coordinates in the four quadrantes.
In Topic we are learning about Myths and Legands, we are going to be writting our own Myth or Legand story before we write our story we have been looking at the key features of  Myths and Legands.
In Science we are learnig about micro orgonisims and we have been doing an experiment on, do Amozon fruit last longer then England fruit.

by Rachel and Emma

Hope you had great christmas holiday!!!

We have been learning about micro organism's. There only 1% of micro organisms known by the scientists. We put glitter on our hands and were ever we put our hands there would be glitter, glitter was supposed to be micro organims.

By Zayyan and Rahul 

What yr 6 have been doing this term

In year 6 we have been learning about myths and legends and discussing about what they include e.g heroes/heroines,beasts,gods/goddesses,setting and transport etc etc....

We Have Also Been Doing An Experiment On Fruits From The Amazonion Rainforest And Fruit From England  e.g some of us put our fruit in food colouring and the other halfs in water and we came back a few days later and some had mould on it and some just smelt really bad.....

BY LEAH AND CHLOE!!!!!!!!!!!!